Basic education
Currently, the City of Jämsä has four schools providing basic education at the primary-school level, and three comprehensive schools. General upper secondary education is organised in the city’s general upper secondary school.
The public school system of Jämsä include the following schools:
Juokslahti School
Comprehensive School
maria.eriksson(at)jamsa.fiNiemenkyläntie 145, 42140 JuokslahtiJämsänjoki School
Vitikkala unit ( grades 1 to5 ) and Paunu unit (grades 6 to 9), Comprehensive School
Joonaantie 1 A, 42100 JämsäJämsänkoski School
Comprehensive School
koulu.jyk(at)jamsa.fiOpintie 49, 42300 Jämsänkoski (grades 3 to 9) and Korventie 14, 42300 Jämsänkoski (grades 1 to 2)Kaipola School
Comprehensive School
paivi.makinen(at)jamsa.fiKaipolan koulutie 3, 42220 KaipolaKoskenpää School
Comprehensive School (grades 1 to 6)
pertti.karjalainen(at)jamsa.fiKorpilahdentie 7, 42440 KoskenpääKuorevesi School
Opinkuja 2, 35600 HalliLänkipohja Scool
Comprehensive School
tommi.makela(at)jamsa.fiKalliomäentie 9, 35400 Längelmäki -
In the City of Jämsä, a pupil in pre-primary education or basic education is entitled to free transport when the pupil’s journey to school is 5 km or more. The distance is calculated along the shortest usable route to the place of pre-primary education or local school as indicated by the city.
Free transport may be requested for journeys of less than 5 km if the journey to school is deemed dangerous.
Free school transport may also be granted if the school journey is difficult or too cumbersome given the stage of the pupil’s development. For example, if the pupil cannot travel to school by themselves because of medical reasons. Depending on the case, free school transport requires an assessment by a doctor or psychologist.
Every school day, a well-balanced meal is offered free of charge to pupils in basic education and students in general upper secondary education. School meals support the pupils’ and students’ health, growth and development. During mealtimes at school, children and young people learn about health, table manners and the Finnish food culture.
In addition to the main course, the school lunch always includes vegetables, soft rye bread and crispbread, plant-based spread and skimmed milk and buttermilk.
Special needs based on the child’s allergy, ethics or religion are taken into account when planning their school work and school meals in accordance with the operating principles of the municipality or school. An appropriate diet will be arranged for all those in need of a special diet in accordance with the notification made by the school nurse.
The treatment of an injury that takes place at school, or on the way to or from school, is free of charge for the pupil. The journey to school refers to the shortest pedestrian route between the school and home.
The City of Jämsä has taken out a voluntary accident insurance for pupils in basic education and students in upper secondary school education. The City of Jämsä is insured by Pohjola.
Afternoon activities are organised after the school days from 12:00 to 16:00. The activities include physical exercises, outdoor activities, playing, crafts and doing homework. The afternoon activities include at least one hour of exercise/outdoor activities every day. The children are offered a snack in the afternoon club.
The monthly fee is EUR 135 for the school year 2022–2023. If the child takes part in the afternoon activities for 10 or less days per month, half of the fee is charged.
In order to give up a place in the afternoon activities, a notification shall be submitted in writing by the first day of the month preceding the month of termination, preferably by e-mail to: minna.kinnunen@jamsa.fi
Minna Kinnunen
Principal of basic education (Kuorevesi School and Länkipohja School) and Coordinator of the afternoon activities of basic education