Early childhood education and care and pre-primary education
The task for early childhood education and care is to advance the holistic growth, development and learning of a child, in close cooperation with the parents. Our early childhood education services offer a child a safe environment for learning and developing, always in consideration with the special features of the child. The early childhood education and care is an important part of the growth and learning path of a child, and it will create a good foundation for person’s lifetime learning abilities.
The early childhood education and care services in Jämsä include pre-primary education, early childhood education and care in day-care centres and family day care, non-standard hour child care and child care allowances.
Our areas of focus are positive pedagogy and supporting child’s social interaction and emotional skills. In our work, we exploit a special Papilio programme. Our service management software for early childhood education is called Daisy.
Applications for early childhood education and care shall be submitted four months before the service is needed. If the need for a place in early childhood education is due to sudden employment at a new job or a sudden offer of a new study place, the place must be applied for as soon as possible, but no later than two weeks before the need begins.
Apply for early childhood education and care by filling in the registration form and returning it to the childcare facility.
There are a total of 12 day-care centres and 13 family day-care providers in different parts of Jämsä. There are more than 650 places available.
Non-standard hour child care is provided at the Jokivarren päiväkoti Day-Care Centre 24 hours a day. The need for non-standard hour child care is based on the guardians’ study or work. Non-standard hour child care is not available on the parents’ days off, holidays or sick leave. The subjective right to care does not include non-standard hour child care.
Western region
Jokivarsi day-care centre
Seppolankuja 4, 42100 Jämsä
jokivarsi.pk@jamsa.fiHalli day-care centre
Mäntytie 1, 35600 Halli
halli.pk@jamsa.fiLänkipohja day-care centre
Kalliomäentie 9, 35400 Längelmäki
puh. 040 712 2471, lankipohja.pk@jamsa.fiNorthern region
Koivulinna day-care centre
Koivutie 24, 42300 Jämsänkoski
koivulinna.pk@jamsa.fiKorven koulun esiopetusryhmät
Korventie 14, 42300 Jämsänkoski
Peiponpesä (day-care centre in Jämsänkoski)
Koivutie 24, 42300 Jämsänkoski
Kotilo (day-care centre in Koskenpää)
Korpilahdentie 7, 42440 Koskenpää
puh. 040 577 4264
kotilo@jamsa.fiSouthern region
Puukila day-care centre
Puukilankatu 1, 42100 Jämsä
puukila.pk@jamsa.fiKaipola day-care centre
Kaipolan koulutie 7, 42220 Kaipola
kaipola.pk@jamsa.fiViiskulma day-care centre
Varistaipaleentie 9, 42100 Jämsä
viiskulma.pk@jamsa.fiPalomäki day-care centre
Palomäentie 6, 42100 Jämsä
palomaki.pk@jamsa.fiJuokslahti day-care centre
Niemenkyläntie 145, 42140 Juokslahti
puh. 040 712 2469
juokslahti.pk@jamsa.fi -
The fees in early childhood education and care are based on the parents’ income and the number of hours reserved for care. The fee is calculated separately for each family.
Fill in the attached form to determine the fee and return the form to early childhood education and care.
The beginning of early childhood education and care becomes easier if the family visits the child-care facility in advance before the start of child care. Getting to know each other is equally important for the staff in early childhood education and care. It is a good idea to schedule a visit in advance with the staff of the child care facility.
- first in the morning, relaxation, closeness and calm activities for children arriving very early
- breakfast around 8:00
- a moment together to start the day, teaching and activity sessions, different exercises
- outdoor activities
- singing or reading, rhymes, playing together
- lunch around 11:00–12:00
- nap time/reading/peaceful play
- snack around 14:00
- outdoor activities
- in non-standard hour child care, the day continues with dinner, free play and an evening snack
Outdoor activities are part of everyday life in early childhood education and care, and light rain or frost do not prevent outdoor activities. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to the child’s clothing. It is a good idea to pack plenty of clothes to change into.
Bring your baby’s own nappies to the child care facility.
All 6-year-olds and 5-year-olds in extended compulsory education are entitled to free pre-primary education. Each child must participate in pre-primary education, and the guardian has the responsibility to ensure their participation.
The working methods in pre-primary education consist of play, playful research, experimentation, acquisition of information and solving problems in interaction with adults and other children. Pre-primary education is organised in the day-care centres. The teaching lasts approximately 4 hours a day.
You can register your child for pre-primary education by filling in the registration form. Staff in the child care facilities offer help in the registering process.
The electronic Wilma system is used for communication in pre-primary education. The language can be switched into English in the upper right corner.
The child care hours are booked through the electronic DaisyFamily system. Help for using the programme is available at the child care facility.
The child’s guardians are responsible for the child’s safety when arriving at the child care facility until the child has been handed over to the employees and placed under their supervision. After the day in child care, this responsibility is transferred to the guardians when the child is handed over to the guardians and placed under their supervision. Always drop off and pick up your child from child care so that the staff is aware of the child’s arrival and departure.It is good to remember that the child also needs time off. The child has the right to stay at home during the parents’ days off and holidays.
The child’s absences must be reported as early as possible. Staff holidays can best be planned based on information about the children’s absence.
A child who has been ill must have one day without fever before returning to child care. Infectious diseases in children pose a risk of infection to other children in the child care facility. When coming to childcare, the child must be well enough to participate in the group’s activities and outdoor activities.
If the child has allergies, the parents are asked to bring a medical certificate.
The treatment of an injury that occurs in early childhood education and care or pre-primary education is free of charge for the child. This also applies to accidents that occur on the way to childcare or pre-primary education.
The City of Jämsä has taken out a voluntary accident insurance for children in early childhood education and care, and pre-primary education. The City of Jämsä is insured by Pohjola.
It is the responsibility of early childhood education and care to support the child’s balanced growth, development and learning. Children may need support in different areas of their development for various reasons. Early childhood education and care for children with special needs is part of early childhood education and care, and its aim is to identify the support needs at an early stage and provide preventive support. The child’s need for support is assessed in cooperation between the parents and the personnel of early childhood education and care. If necessary, the assessment of support needs, and planning and implementation of support measures are carried out in multidisciplinary cooperation. The support measures are integrated into the child’s everyday life as part of other activities in early childhood education and care.