What would you like to know about housing and construction in Jämsä?
Do you need housing advice or information on construction in Jämsä? Looking for more information about water or waste management? You can find this information as well as the city’s available rental apartments and plots of land here.

Looking for a home in Jämsä?
Being located in the middle of southern Finland near large lakes creates a wide range of options for housing. Living is peaceful in Jämsä, with services nearby.

Holiday homes
Jämsä offers plenty of options for holiday homes. You can spend time at a hillside cottage or on the shores of several lakes.
Holiday homes in Jämsä
Building and plots
In Jämsä, you can live in the city centre, urban areas and sparsely populated areas, according to your preferences and needs.
Building and plotsWaste- and water management in Jämsä
Looking for more information about water or waste management?

Waste management
Waste management in the City of Jämsä maintains the regional collection points and is responsible for the recycling of useful waste.
Waste management
Water management
Jämsän Vesi is responsible for the supply, treatment and distribution of clean water etc.
Water management