Rental apartments in Jämsä
In Jämsä, you can live next to the city centre and its services, or a small village close to nature. As a rule, residential areas are located within walking distance of services.
Available rental apartments in Jämsä
In Jämsä, in addition to the rental apartments of Jämsä city and Kiinteistö oy Jämsänmäki, there are also available rental properties, e.g. From Oikotie and Vuokraovi. See available apartments here.
Kiinteistö Oy Jämsänmäki
Kiinteistö Oy Jämsänmäki is a rental housing company wholly owned by the city of Jämsä. See available rental apartments here.
Kiinteistö Oy Jämsänmäki Is an external linkVuokraovi
Find out about available private rental apartments in Jämsä here.
Vuokraovi Is an external link