The environment, streets and traffic
A well-functioning and pleasant living environment
A well-functioning and pleasant living environment is created through the design, construction and maintenance of streets and roads. Transport connections to the rest of the country are also excellent.
Construction and maintenance of streets
Decisions on street renovation and construction are made within the limits of the adopted budget appropriation, in a work programme approved three times a year. The work programmes shall be based on an assessment and renovation programme for the streets of the City of Jämsä, in which the streets maintained by the city are divided into five condition classes based on observations made on the streets (including observations on possible deficiencies in load capacity and drainage, and frost damage).
The street network of the City of Jämsä includes 185 kms of streets in regular maintenance. In addition, there are also pedestrian and bicycle paths directly connected to the streets, and separate parkways.
The objective of street management is to keep the streets tidy and in a condition that satisfies the traffic requirements. Street maintenance consists of cleaning, snow ploughing, removal of hard snow, preventing slipperiness, dust binding and maintenance of the street surface, traffic signs and street furniture. Some of the management responsibilities in the street area belong to the property owners or holders.
Street lighting
In limited areas of the centre of Jämsä and Jämsänkoski, the street lights are on throughout the night, and in other areas they are switched off at . There is also a ‘summer-time switch off’, which means that the lights are not on at all. The ‘summer time switch off’ takes place in the centre of Jämsä and Jämsänkoski between May and July and in other areas between May and August.
Report a faulty street light – by telephone 040 526 1376
Jämsä offers excellent opportunities for cycling. There are good cycling paths and cycling routes for riding a bike, and nice trails for mountain biking.
A programme to promote walking and cycling in the City of Jämsä will be drawn up in 2022
The Jämsänjoki River, lakes, parks and the proximity of forests make our urban landscape beautiful. Jämsä’s most noteworthy park area is located right in the city centre.
The city offers high-quality and reasonably priced berths and places for rowing boats in different parts of the municipality, as well as boat ramps and winter storage areas.
The City of Jämsä offers good boat harbours, piers, and rowing boat berths around the municipality with a reasonable price. We rent berths on piers with different width, including pole berths, according to the needs of the client. In addition, we offer boat ramps and winter storage places.
Most of our boat berths are located on the shores of Lake Päijänne or Lake Kankarisvesi. The Division of Parks of the City is responsible for the maintenance of the boat berths.
Boat Berth Rental
Office Secretary Erja Nieminen, tel. +358 40 712 2525
Storm water refers to surface runoff formed in built areas that originates from precipitation or the melting of snow.
The sub-committee of environmental and building control acts as the environmental protection authority of the City of Jämsä. The matters of environmental protection are handled by the director of environmental affairs. In addition to environmental protection, the sub-committee is responsible for building control.
It is the responsibility of environmental protection services to maintain and develop environmental protection in the municipality in order to provide a clean, pleasant and healthy environment for the residents. By means of permits, supervision and advisory procedures, the environmental protection services aim to ensure that the activities of municipal residents and companies cause as little environmental damage as possible and that any harmful effects can be prevented with reasonable methods and costs.
The environmental protection services are responsible for the preparation of environmental permits, permits under the Water Act, land extraction permits, and permits for waterborne transport and off-road traffic, and for processing noise notifications and manure storage notifications. The unit is responsible for monitoring the state of the environment, for environmental research, and for supervising and advising on environmental protection and waste management.
For more information, contact the Environmental Protection Office.
Environmental protection
Paattilantie 2, 42100 Jämsä