This is how we do it
In order to make your very first visit to Tehdas as easy as possible, we have compiled all the essential information into one package – just for you. Here you can find our rules of game and faq.
Rules of game at Jämsä Tehdas
Päivitetty 18.5.2022 PK
You are part of the community
As Jämsä Tehdas is generous enough to currently grant free access to its facilities, we hope that you are also interested in the Jämsä Tehdas community. We tend to be curious about the career, study and competence backgrounds of people working at Tehdas, and you will probably be asked the question: “Hey, who are you and what are you doing right now?”
The Kohtaamistila Meeting Space is a place where you can be curious and start discussions.
Tehdas has a coffee hour every Thursday at 12:00. The participants introduce themselves briefly, and someone always describes their story in more detail. At some point, it will be your turn.
Booking the facilities
You book workstations and facilities only for your own needs. In other words, you do not book them on behalf of a friend. You acknowledge that Jämsä Tehdas is primarily intended for working and work-related meetings, as well as for studying. If you have anything else in mind, you can discuss the matter with your community manager.
The facilities are reserved through the DeskMe reservation system of Jämsä Tehdas. When making a reservation, please note that the outside door is open on weekdays between 8:00 and 15:00. It is possible to use Tehdas at other times, too, so ask your community manager for more information. You can continue working until 22:00, which means that you have to go home for the night. The user is liable to pay for any security bill arising from their presence at Tehdas after 22:00.
When booking a workstation, we assume that you have familiarised yourself with the safety instructions and rules of Jämsä Tehdas. Users of the booking system can see each other’s bookings.
How many bookings can you make?
Jämsä Tehdas is a place for temporary work and you cannot transfer your business activities or your employer’s activities full-time to the facilities of Jämsä Tehdas. The booking of workstations is not restricted in any way in the reservation system. We trust that you have no plans to book a specific workstation every Friday for the next year. Someone else may want to use the same workstation every now and then.
If you use the services at Tehdas regularly, you can make reservations for 2 to 3 days a week, and even more if it looks like there is space available. You can make reservations for the future as needed.
The meeting facilities are primarily reserved for meetings and teams. Please do not reserve these facilities beforehand, just in case you end up having a meeting.
The workstations in the open office are more suited for this purpose; they can be booked for future use, albeit according to the general principle of no full weeks in advance.
Edit or cancel your reservations when your schedule changes
There are days and moments when all the workstations at Tehdas are booked and in use. If you do not need the space you have reserved, remember to cancel it as soon as possible. If your schedule changes and you arrive at the factory later than expected, please update your reservation accordingly. This way, as many people as possible can find a workstation during the peak hours.
If you have not arrived within one hour from the start of your booking, the community manager may cancel your booking. For shorter reservations, this may take place within half an hour from the start of the reservation.
Visit us only when you are healthy, and act responsibly
It is great that you only visit us when you are healthy. However, if you start feeling sick during the working day, it is recommended that you stop working and go home.
You take care of hygiene. You can find hand sanitiser at the entrances, and, naturally, you use it. Hand washing facilities are available in the toilets and kitchen facilities. Make sure that you cough the correct way.
Near the workstations, there is some disinfectant that you can use to wipe the desktop, keyboard and mouse before and after working.
You do your part to make sure that Tehdas has a pleasant atmosphere and, at the same time, a peaceful working environment.
We are not a library, and speaking is part of work. Of course, if you have calls or remote meetings all day long, it is a good idea to check if there are any workspaces available, that is, workstations behind sliding doors.
There is a soundproofed telephone booth in the open office space where you can take care of things that require privacy or a lot of speaking.
The meeting booths offer a slightly more sound-insulated alternative for your meetings.
Coffee and meals
There is a fridge in the Tehdas facilities where you can store your own snacks and a microwave oven for heating up food.
The coffee maker is usually on during the mornings and afternoons. We have dark roast coffee and a wide range of teas available. If you want, you can also introduce your personal favourites to us here at Tehdas, and enrich our daily life.
The coffee table is a natural place to get to know the other people in Tehdas.
There are dishes available for use, but it is your responsibility to return your dirty dishes to the dishwasher so that they can be used again the following day.
You take care of tidiness
We make ourselves at home in Tehdas, so we leave our outdoor shoes by the coat rack at the entrance, and walk about in our socks or slippers. This ensures that it is always nice to come to work.
If you have an accident, such as a coffee spillage, please clean up after yourself. We have cleaners visiting twice a week (usually on Monday and Thursday mornings), but it takes an unreasonable amount of time to clean up the dried coffee stains.
When you play some trash can basketball and slam dunk your rubbish into the bin, you make sure that your rubbish actually lands where it is meant to.
When you stop working, you naturally take your things with you. Jämsä Tehdas has storage cabinets with locks where you can leave items overnight, in case you do not want to carry everything with you, and you are coming back the next day.
Sorting of waste
The kitchen facility in Tehdas has collection bins for biowaste, glass and metals, as well as clean paper and cardboard. The other bins in Tehdas are intended for burnable waste.
Taking care of furniture and equipment
You take care of the furniture and equipment of Jämsä Tehdas as if it was your own (provided that you generally look after your belongings). If any damage occurs or something needs to be repaired, you will inform the community manager accordingly.
Visits and introduction to the Jämsä Tehdas facilities
The community manager of Jämsä Tehdas is happy to present the facilities to those interested in them. It is a good idea to schedule a time slot in advance with the community manager, but you can also visit the place without an appointment.
Surveillance at Tehdas
Each user of Tehdas monitors their own activity to ensure that the place remains in good condition. However, there are also surveillance cameras recording the premises, just in case something happens. The recordings are stored for a maximum of four weeks and protected by strong passwords. The recordings are only viewed in problem situations.
We assume that you and the manager of Tehdas sleep during night time. The alarms are on in Tehdas between 22:00 and 6:00, and you cannot work in the facility during that time. If you accidentally work overtime in Tehdas and cause an alarm, you will be responsible for the security fee (€40 + 24% VAT).
Communications in Tehdas
Jämsä Tehdas actively shares stories about itself, its activities and the users of Tehdas through different electronic channels and sometimes even in printed media. In order to create pleasant and rich content, we strive to record everyday life in Tehdas in a versatile manner in photographs and videos.
By using the services of Jämsä Tehdas, you give permission to be photographed / recorded on video in the Tehdas facilities, and for the material to be used in the Tehdas communications. Naturally, we try to be considerate if you do not want to appear in the photographs or videos taken in Tehdas. If we have managed to record a video that you would not like to be used, please inform your community manager accordingly.
Tehdas Responses to FAQ
Here, you can find answers to the frequently asked questions.
Are the Tehdas facilities really available free of charge?
Yes, they are. The facility is maintained by the City of Jämsä, and funding granted by the Regional Council of Central Finland currently enables us to offer the facilities free of charge. The current funding will be available until the end of 2022.
Where can I park my car or bicycle for the duration of a working day?
There is free parking space available on both sides of the Tehdas building. Even though the area in front of the entrance has a traffic sign saying ‘up to 30 minutes’, you can park your car there for the whole working day. However, it is polite not to leave your car in R-Kioski’s parking spaces for the whole day.
It is a good idea to park your bike on OK-auto’s side of the building, where you can also find a bike rack.
The entrance is located on the Lindemaninkatu side of the building.
Are there any showering facilities in Tehdas in case I come to work by bike?
The fitness centre Karboni operates in the same building. We have made an agreement with Karboni that the Tehdas users can use the shower facilities at Karboni. The community manager can give you a keycard, which allows you access to the shower in Karboni’s facilities.
Where can I have lunch near Tehdas?
There are several lunch restaurants within a short walking distance, such as Witikkala Manor, Vehnäleipä, Elonen and Döner. In addition, the nearby K-market has a food pick-up point.
Are the Tehdas facilities only available between 8:00 and 15:00 on weekdays?
The doors to Tehdas are open on weekdays between 8:00 and 15:00, but you can continue working until 22:00. In other words, you can leave after 15:00, which means that you do not have to interrupt your work. If you leave the premises after 15:00, just make sure that the door is not left open. The lights in the large spaces turn off automatically when there is no movement in the space.
If you need to have access to Tehdas in the evenings or on weekends, please do not hesitate to contact the community manager. We can make things work for you. In other words, the community manager will create a door code for you.
What do I do if I leave before my booking ends?
If you do not need the space for the entire duration of your booking and end up leaving, for example, one hour earlier, we hope that you edit your booking accordingly. Someone else may well need the time slot freed up by you.
I am a student. Can I use the Tehdas facilities?
Absolutely! There is plenty of room for studying at Tehdas, particularly during the evenings and weekends. The users of Jämsä Tehdas currently include students, which means that it is also possible to use the facilities for studying.
Can I book a space for the entire day?
You sure can!
You can book a workstation or a workspace for exactly the time you need. The reservation can last all day, or if you only need the space for only a few hours, it is also possible.
You can make a booking at jamsatehdas.desk.me
How often can I use the facilities of Jämsä Tehdas?
Jämsä Tehdas wants to offer the experience of a good workday to as many people as possible. How much is too much depends on the overall number of bookings. Spending between 2 and 3 workdays a week at Tehdas is a good general guideline. In other words, you can spend that many working days in a week at Tehdas worry-free, provided there is room. If your ‘quota’ for the week is full, but there still seem to be places available for the next day when you check the bookings in the evening, do not hesitate to make a reservation.
However, let’s make sure that, for example, a certain workstation is not booked in advance every Friday, for weeks on end. This will give everyone the opportunity to experience a workday at that specific workstation.
What should I do if I organise a meeting at Tehdas?
You will be the host for your guests during the meeting.
In practice, this means the following:
You make sure that your guests are aware of the most important practices related to their visit at Tehdas. This includes, at least, asking your visitors to take their shoes off and telling them about the hygiene guidelines. It is also worth informing them about the surveillance cameras recording activities at Tehdas.
Before the meeting, you will be in charge of welcoming your guests at the premises. The guests can also enter Tehdas through the back door.
If a maximum of 6 people participate in the meeting, you can offer them coffee ‘on the house’. If there are more participants, it is polite to bring a packet of dark roasted coffee to Tehdas. Of course, you can bring a packet of coffee anyway.
Can I use the address of Jämsä Tehdas as my company address?
Tehdas cannot offer a fixed permanent workstation for those who need it, and Tehdas cannot be used as a business address. We aim to find providers of commercial premises to be included in our network that would allow people to have a more permanent base in the Jämsä Tehdas community.
Can associations, clubs or similar hold meetings at Jämsä Tehdas?
Events and meetings organised at Jämsä Tehdas are at least in some way related to work or learning.
Of course, during the evenings and weekends, Tehdas is used less for work, and there could be room for other uses. If you are already a Tehdas user and it would be convenient to organise a meeting in Tehdas related to your work with an association/club, please ask the community manager about it.
The City of Jämsä has space available for meetings, such as facilities in a restored wooden school. Contact the City Information Office to find out more