Start a business in Jämsä?
We are developing tourism and renewable industries in Jämsä. Explore our business areas, plots of land and business premises.

The renewing industry in Jämsä invites you to grow!
Jämsä is quickly growing into a hub of recycling economy, carbon-neutral materials, renewable energy and the aviation industry.
The renewing industry in Jämsä invites you to grow!
Plot or business premises in Jämsä?
Jämsä has good infrastructure and logistics. Explore the business areas and premises in Myllymäki and Main road 9/24 area.
Business areas, plots and premises
Jämsä Tehdas – coworking space
Come and work in the Jämsä Tehdas remote workspace. People say that Tehdas has even better working facilities than their own workplace.
Himos a great business area!
Himos is a year-round, international holiday resort and event environment. Himos has the best ski slopes in all of southern Finland, the greenest golf greens and the biggest festivals. Himos is located in the middle of Finland – easily accessible from all around.

Thinking about doing business in Himos?
Himos is a year-round, international holiday resort and event environment.
Himos – A growing holiday resortTake a contact!
You can inquire from us about land plots, premises, development projects and Jämsä Tehdas work space.
Marko Leppänen
Head of Business Services
Petteri Koskinen
community manager / Jämsä Tehdas
Teijo Taipale
Land Use Engineer 2
Visa Törmälä
Project Manager